A Comprehensive Guide to Living on a Boat...
The appeal of living on a boat is unquestionable - the adventure, freedom to go where you please, sense of community and kinship with nature - but as humans are not naturally suited to life on the water, the decision to abandon dry land is not one to be taken lightly.
February's Most Popular Articles...
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Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: Importing a Boat, What Are the Duties Etc?, Solar and Wind Power -...
Boat Interior
Boat Interior: How Much Storage Do I Need?, How to Furnish Your Boat Practically,...
Choice & Location
Choice & Location: How To Choose a Boat To Suit Your Needs, Things To Look Out For When...
Finance: How Much Does It Cost To Live On a Boat?, Raising The Finance To Buy...
Food & Cooking
Food & Cooking: Sailing: Meal Planning, Fishing for Food: A Beginner's Guide, On a...
Life Onboard
Life Onboard: Adjusting Your Lifestyle to Life on a Boat, Communication Systems...
Maintenance: Preparing Your Boat For Sale, Understanding How Locks Work, Essential...
Questionnaire: Questionnaire: Are You a Natural Live-a-board?...
Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations: Boating Etiquette, All You Need To Know About Boat Surveys, Boating...
Safety & Security
Safety & Security: Dealing With Fire, Explosions and Fumes, Avoiding Boat Accidents,...
Sailing: What Are 'Bridge Hoppers'?, Upgrading Your Sailing Skills - Types of...
Waterway Exploration
Waterway Exploration: Introduction to the Waterways of France,...
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